JBL GTO1214D Subwoofer Review | Car Subwoofer Reviews
Car Subwoofer Reviews: JBL GTO1214D Subwoofer Review

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Friday, June 20, 2008

JBL GTO1214D Subwoofer Review

JBL released a powerful and sturdy subwoofer in their Grand Touring line, the GTO1214D. The shiny silver from the die cast metal basket looks sharp alongside the black rubber surround. The durable appearance is backed up by a strong performance.
This subwoofer has a lot to offer. It can handle 350 watts RMS continuous power handling, which is enough power to make the whole block aware of your arrival. The polypropylene cone material allows the subwoofer to flex and move to the rhythm of your music’s beat. Along with that, this sub will endure since it has a rubber surround, which serves to protect the subwoofer throughout the most intense beat thumping. The special featured tinsel wire protector reinforces the most crucial joint (the maximum stress point) in the subwoofer operation, yet another feature that should help extend the subwoofer’s life.Reviewing the specifications showed that this subwoofer rated better than the average sub in most categories. The 12” subwoofer requires 1.00 cubic feet for sealed and 1.75 cubic feet for ported/vented enclosures. In addition, it responds to frequencies ranging from 23 Hz to 400 Hz and has an exceptional SPL rated at 93dB (1W/1m). For those trying to build a respectable system that will last for a number of years, this subwoofer is a good building block.

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