Kicker L5 Solo Baric Review | Car Subwoofer Reviews
Car Subwoofer Reviews: Kicker L5 Solo Baric Review

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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Kicker L5 Solo Baric Review

Even though it's two years old, the 2006 Kicker L5 Series Solo-Baric Subwoofer is still considered by many as a current and competitive model. This is perhaps one of the biggest secrets in car audio. People always want the newest and most current products expecting it out-perform the manufacturer's older models. However, this is not necessarily the case. Sure it generally does, but with Kicker car audio products, even some of their earliest models is still comparable to today's subwoofers.

If you're able to resist the temptation of trying to keep up with the Jones', then you may be able to save money while still being able to impress your friends when you buy the older models. That should tell you a lot about the quality of Kicker subwoofers. Of course Kicker recently released their 2008 line of products, so be sure to check those out too.

The L5 Solo-Baric subwoofer is capable of 600 watts RMS with 1200 watts maximum power handling. That power rating is CEA standardized, so don't worry about getting jipped. Of course, with any Solo-Baric subwoofers, it is characterized with a uniquely Kicker square design. The result is an increased cone surface area, allowing for greater movement while maintaining a relatively small design. The subwoofer performs marvelously, primarily due to its SoloKon cone woofer design with its stitched Santoprene rubber surround for incredible durability.

The 2008 model has greater ventilation design, allowing for a better endurance and slight improvement in bass response. The only other difference is also the darker color cone on the 2008 L5 Series Subwoofers. Everything else is pretty much the same--dual voice coils, similar recommended enclosure volume, heavy-duty steel basket, similar mounting depths, and definitely high performing.

This is why I'm saying that some of the best deals out there today are with older, yet high-quality products such as the 2006 Solo Baric Subwoofers; and they're available in 8", 10", 12", and 15" in both dual 2 and dual 4 ohms voice coils.

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